
Reptifiles Kingsnake Care Sheet

An overall care guide for the common kingsnake (Lampropeltis sp.). Reptifiles is a website resource by Mariah Healey, reptile husbandry Specialist and Consultant, and the website’s core mission is to provide information on how to replicate the conditions of each reptile’s natural habitat in captivity.

Southern California Kingsnakes

A very useful website with lots of information about California Kingsnakes. It’s run by Ross Padilia, a respected and experienced snake breeder.

California Herps

Another useful website that contains a lot of information on snakes and reptiles located in California, as well as other states in the U.S.

North Bay Herpetological Society

If you’re in the North Bay looking to get connected with other reptile owners in the area, this is a great place to start!

Sonoma County Reptile Rescue

Sonoma County Reptile Rescue is a 501(c)(3) non-profit rescue and sanctuary based in Sebastopol, California. Founded in 1989, Sonoma County Reptile Rescue offers a full range of services, including reptile rescue/rehabilitation, relocation, adoption, and education programs. SCRR works with animal agencies from 15 counties in the greater Bay Area, handling reptiles in need of rescuing. Please feel free to contact us with any reptile related questions, adoptions, or emergencies.

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